Monday, October 3, 2011

We start here. (Declarations/Expectations)

Confessions first. Currently, I am what they call a 'lazy dreamer'. I have so many visions for my future and so much time to accomplish it all. But given my current state of life (jobless and living in my parent's house), I'm not making it easier for myself.

Years ago, I was such a go-getter, inspite of my lazy dreaming self. I was getting good grades, involved with school organizations, exercising and eating well. Then I lost momentum and slowly disintegrated to a less stellar version of myself. (More on that in the about page.)

Now out of college and out of work, I seek to reclaim my vigor for life. Forgive me for sounding like an 80-year-old grandma but I feel like one. These days I only do three things: watch television, surf the internet, eat and eat and of course, dream.

This idea of Brink! was incubated in my head for months before I took action. Most of the time I felt I couldn't do it because I had no credibility. Who am I to tell people how to live healthily? But I finally understood that starting the blog didn't mean telling people what to eat or how to exercise. It's about sharing the journey. I'm on the brink of achieving my dreams bit by bit. I hope you join me in this journey.

What can you expect from Brink? 
It's a good thing that I've documented most of my ideas on Evernote. Thus I have the pleasure to tell you that you can look forward to the following features on Brink!

  • Healthy Picks - Restaurant and food reviews focusing on healthy selections/menus. 
  • Monthly Challenges - Join me as I embark on challenges for my health! We can report to each other and keep each other accountable.
  • Brink Icons - Profiles of people who have successfully crossed the path of Brink-dom and have achieved their dreams, health-wise and life-wise.
  • Brinky Links - Giving you the week's most interesting healthy links from the Internet. 
  • Recipes and Kitchen Recipes - Since I'm Filipino, expect healthy-fied versions of your favorite Filipino dished. But I also like experimenting and baking, so look out for doses of desserts and offbeat dishes too.
  • Product Reviews - I'm developing a method on reviewing products. I want to different, honest and effective in delivering reviews.
  • Lowdown - Information I've gathered so far food, fitness and overall health drinks. 
  • Inspiration - Something to fuel our desires to achieving our dreams. 
As a final note on this first post, I just wanted to share a song that played randomly on my Itunes while I was writing this post.  It's Just Watch The Fireworks by the band Jimmy Eat World and it speaks accurately of what I've set out to do here. Have a listen. :)

"Here you can be anything.
I think that scares you.
I've been here before but only by myself.
What giving up gives you and where giving up takes you.
I've had and I've been.
Here in center frame, there's only air.
Just enough space to fit.
I said it out loud over and over but what do I know.
I said it out loud but it did not help.
I'll stop now.
Just so I can hear you I stay up as late as it takes, as long as it takes.
I promised I'd see it again.
I promised I'd see this with you now."

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