Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Best Laid Plans

As much as I am a dreamer, I am also a planner. I enjoy writing my to-do-lists and arranging my schedule as much as I enjoy daydreaming my life away. Contradiction? Maybe not. In all of my years in University and the years after, I've found that I'm most successful in my endeavors when I do this not-so-little-thing called follow-through. 

Habit of a winner: follow through. Source.

It's my greatest challenge and also the focus of this blog. I've experienced enough turmoil to know that without action, dreams remain just that, dreams. Lately I've been having the best dreams as I sleep. Extravagant and magical ones, full of sequences that I would to have in this lifetime.

Two best examples (because they're the ones I remember): One, is finding the love of my life. Next is flying to the States and enjoying the scenery and the shopping. So you might be thinking, what do finding love and travelling to the US have to do with living healthily?

Here my friends, is my logic.

As I have overshared in my previous posts, I have let my unhealthy lifestyle hinder me far too easily. In my head, when I'm not making healthy choices, I don't deserve the a beautiful and magical life. Clearly this is untrue. But the logic has been ingrained in my mind, it's not that easy to reverse it. But I can at least try one more time.

So here it is. Another day, another plan. Another one to botch up but also another chance to live up to it's promise. I'm excited, will you join me?

Here's the plan.

In the powerful book Former Fat Girl by Lisa Delaney, she shares that it's best to learn from previous diet forays rather than blindly following the next magical diet craze. I'm sure the average women has gone on several diets. One way or another they may have worked, but not completely successful. Perhaps it's too time-consuming to count calories, or the pressure from friends and family is too hard to resist. Either way, something didn't work out and you've moved back to square one feeling helpless.

Square one and long way to go. Source.

I know the feeling. I also think that square one (also known as gaining all the weight back) does not exist. From following a plan, even for just a week, a month, you will have gained something better (and I'm not talking weight). And that is insights, knowledge that will make your next foray easier.

From my own experiences, I have gathered the following.

Yummy and healthy. Source.

1) From a pesco-vegetarian diet - My body agrees with mostly using seafood as a source protein. I love eating shrimp and tuna! This was an eating plan I followed for more than a year, however when I started going out a lot, it started getting difficult for me. People weren't that supportive.

I wish all menus had calories listed. Source.

2) Calorie-counting plan - This makes me feel healthy and productive as I have target number to reach but it's also time-consuming and it's tough to count calories when you just had a binge.

It's really difficult to say goodbye. Source

3) No rice diet - This one is not for the faint of heart. In a rice-eating country like the Philippines, this is difficult to pull off. Rice is everywhere! And I love fried rice too much to give it up forever.

4) Intermittent Fasting - I did the 16-18 hour window. I felt great and at times hungry. But once you get a hang of it, it's a lifesaver.

Well so far those four are my major attempts in living a healthy lifestyle. Given those I can conclude that can function best in an eating plan that is

                high on seafood-sourced protein
                limited in refined carbohydrates
                with occasional bouts of IF
                and indulgences with friends and family

See, all these dieting and attempting worked. I know what will work for me. Problem is, I'm not done experimenting. I like to be thorough in my research that is why for the of November, I will move on to my next attempt. Which is the Paleo Diet and incredibly Filipino palate. Watch out.

Did I help you in this post? Share your thoughts. :)

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